伦敦区的卧室音乐人James Chapman化名为Maps.06年10月发行过一张6首歌的EP"Start Something",07年终于发行了首张专辑"We Can Create".专辑Demo是James在家做完的,他独立操刀所有的创作与录音,并请来Valgeir Sigurosson和Ken Thomas的制作人担任母带的处理任务.新专辑以Lo-Fi的电子迷幻噪音为主,流畅好听. 

Song:To the Sky

My memory
Feels like it's playing with me
These things I know yeh I know
The sun will end with you
Need help to cut on through
Can only feel this way
When silence comes

I could sing it to the sky
But there's a risk it won't reply
If I could change it man I would
And I won't screw it up this time

Been here before
It won't happen no more
These things I know
Yeh I know
They get into your mind
I guess you know the signs
Can only feel this way
When silence comes

I could sing it to the sky
But there's a risk it won't reply
If I could change it man I would
And I won't screw it up this time

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  Maps其实是支一人乐队, 隐藏在这个名字下的是英国青年James Chapman。 James在开始的时候曾化名为Short Break Operator, 并发行了一张EP, 之后, 貌似他把名字简称为低调的Operator, 再后来, 便成了我们眼前的Maps... (叫这个名字, 他是太不想红了吧...)

  名字越改越普通, 以为乐如其名, Maps的音乐注定好听不了的人可是错了, 沉寂数年的James这次是卯足劲要给大家一个惊喜, 在半年时间里连续推出了EP Start Something和专辑We Can Create。 在新专辑里, James更是坚定了自己的创作方向, 那就是充满电气化的睡眠摇滚. 绵密的电子吉他筑起了厚重的音墙, 信手拈来的优美旋律, 还有贯穿全碟的迷离感, 甚至James毫无底气的歌声, 都是夜晚聆听的最佳伴侣。 尤其喜欢歌曲It Will Find You里透着的暗黑氛围, 极其华美的音效使我每听一次都有新的体验。

专辑名称:We Can Create


01. So Low, So High
02. You Don't Know Her Name
03. Elouise
04. It Will Find You
05. Glory Verse
06. Liquid Sugar
07. To The Sky
08. Back And Forth
09. Lost My Soul
10. Don't Fear
11. When You Leave

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