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listen to



take advantage of


"make their own speech"



Second, follow the press in one's native language too, which is of particular importance for interpreters living abroad. Third, watch television, see movies, go to the theatre and listen to songs in their original language. To sum up, it's true that an interpreter's work involves only three basic processes, i.e., understanding, memorization and re-expression. Interpreting is a profession that is all about communication. In order to communicate well, interpreters have to "make their own speech" based on the speeches they interpret, and their speech must be faithful to the original and as accurate as possible in the above three processes. They should take advantage of all the possible resources available in their working languages in order to reach an effective, clear and elegant level of performance.
第二,密切关注母语国的新闻,这对于生活在国外的口译员尤其重要。第三,看看电视和电影,去戏院听用各国自己的语言唱的歌曲。总之,说实话,口译员的工作只涉及三个基本过程,即理解、识记和重述。口译就是一种进行沟通的职业。为了有效沟通,口译员必须在他们进行翻译的演讲的基础上“做自己的演讲”,而且它必须忠于原来的发言还要尽可能准确地按以上三个过程展开。口译员应该在他们的工作语言范围内尽可能利用所有可以利用的资源以使自己的表现有效、清晰而漂亮。 翻译by sugarle