







As guests continue to arrive, it is usually considered polite for the men in the group to stand when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she is seated. However, most young people and some groups of older people that stress equality of the sexes no longer observe the custom. A visitor should be sensitive to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present. When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is customary for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. Some Americans no longer do this, so the visitor must notice what others do and do likewise. Until the meal is under way, if the dinner is in a private home, a guest may avoid embarrassment by leaving the talking to someone else.
当客人们陆续到来时,如有女士进屋,在场的男士们应起身等女士入座后再坐下,这通常被视为是一种礼貌的行为。然而,多数年轻人和一些年纪再大一些的人,他们重视男女平等,不再遵守这一习俗。来访的客人应留意各种情况,跟在场的美国人去做。 客人在餐桌就坐时,按照习俗男士应帮助女士推椅入座。有些美国人现在已不再这样做了,所以来访者必须留心别人的做法,并照着他们的做法去做。如果宴会是在个人的家里举行的,在开始吃饭前,要避免(说话)尴尬,客人可以(自己不说)让别人聊。