
Some people think that education and training are more effective ways to deal with criminals than sending them to prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Regarding the treatment of criminals, two options may sound reasonable: jail terms and rehabilitation programmes. I believe rehabilitation programmes are more valuable. Although rehabilitation programmes often come at great costs to the public, imprisonment of criminals can be much more expensive. Its psychological costs are even higher if we consider the fact that it deprives criminals of their freedom, while rehabilitation provides offenders with self-respect. When it comes to the prevention of crimes, rehabilitation equips criminals with the ability to make a living, which will reduce their chance of committing a crime again. In fact, education and training not only offer criminals more career options, they may will lead to productive lives after the programme finishes. To some people, it may seem unfair that criminals receive tax-funded education and training. But it is not so unfair if we understand that it is in everybody's interest to reintroduce these people back into social life. For all these reasons, I think rehabilitation programmes are necessary. Through them, criminals not only acquire skills, but learn about the importance of socially acceptable behaviour as well.
关于对罪犯的处理问题,目前有两种方案比较可行:监狱服刑和改造项目。而我认为对罪犯的改造更为有价值。 尽管罪犯改造计划常被人诟病花费了社会太多的金钱,但实际上入狱服刑的花费更多。而且从心理上来说,入狱服刑对罪犯的心理压力也更大,而改造则赋予了他们自尊。 而在预防犯罪方面,改造计划可以帮助犯罪人员学习到一些谋生的技能,从而可以减少犯罪人员再次犯法的几率。事实上,对罪犯的教育和培训不但可以给他们今后提供更多的事业选择,还能使他们在改造结束后过上更充实的生活。 在有些人看来,政府为犯罪人员提供免费的教育与培训机会似乎有点不公平。但我们要知道帮助这些曾经犯过错的人们重返社会是我们社会上所有人的利益所在,这样想就没有什么不公平的了。 有了这么多条理由,我觉得对罪犯的改造计划势在必行。通过改造,罪犯们不但能学到生活技能,还能学到怎样做才能被社会所接受的重要性。