


Kevin is talking about his hobby. What are you doing here, Kevin? Making a ship. What? A toy ship. It's made of wood. I enjoy making all kinds of toys, like planes, horses, sheep and birds. Wow, that's great. You can make toys by yourself. By the way, do you sell them? No. I do it just for pleasure. Sometimes I give them to my friends. But how did you learn it? It must be very difficult, I believe. Eh, it's not so difficult for me. You know, my uncle is very good at mending chairs and tables. So he taught me a lot. Do you like it? I can teach you. Really? I'm looking forward to it.
Kevin正在谈他的爱好 你在这儿做什么?kevin? 做一艘船。 什么? 玩具船,用木头做的。我喜欢做各种玩具,像飞机、马、羊还有鸟。 哇,真棒。你能自己做玩具,顺便问一句,你会卖掉它们嘛? 不会,我做这些只是为了娱乐,有时会给我朋友们。 但是你是怎么学会做玩具的?我相信一定很难。 额,这对我来说不难,你知道的我叔叔很擅长修桌椅。 因此他教了我很多,你喜欢做玩具吗?我可以教你。 真的吗?我很期待。 翻译by:aialtman (能力有限,仅供参考) 大家如果对翻译有啥建议滴话~欢迎在讨论区里提出~大家一起探讨下>< THX~