


Middle East


Middle East










•Giving red roses in Germany signals that you have strong romantic interests. In fact, throughout history, the rose has signified “secrecy". Consider the Latin word sub rosa, meaning secret, and note that many confessional booths in Catholic churches have carvings of roses above the doors. •Giving a French person a gift of perfume is carrying the proverbial coals to Newcastle. •In the Middle East, any pictures of partially unclothed females (even of famous statues) or of pet animals, like dogs who are considered dirty and lowly, are inappropriate gifts. •In rank-conscious societies like Japan, be careful to present gifts in accordance with position and prestige. If several people are involved and you are uncertain about the hierarchy, give the group a joint gift (e.g. a silver tray, a carving, porcelain statue, fine molded glass). •Tone down corporate symbols on your gifts. Either make them very subtle or simply insert your business card with the gift.
给德国人送红玫瑰暗示你有强烈的浪漫情趣。事实上,古往今来,玫瑰一直象征着“秘密”。拉丁语中的“sub rosa ”就是秘密的意思,再看看很多天主教堂里德忏悔室,门的上方都雕刻着玫瑰。 给法国人送香水如同谚语中说的“把煤运到纽卡斯尔“一样,纯属多此一举。 在中东,送任何女性的图片,如果图中有部分身体裸露(即使是著名雕塑也不例外),或送有宠物的画,比如被认为是肮脏和低贱的狗,都是不合适的。 在特别注重等级的社会里,例如日本,所送的礼物要注意与受礼之人的职位和声望相符。如果涉及到好几个人而又不能确定他们的等级,那就给这些人送一件共同的礼物(如一只银托盘、一件雕刻品、一件瓷的塑像或是做工精致的玻璃制品)。 尽量使礼物上公司的标志不那么显眼。要么把它们弄得不引人注目,要么干脆把你的名片和礼物夹在一起。