

Dreams Come True Charity

All children have dreams, but how many get the chance to turn their dream into the reality? For every child this would be a magical moment in their lives, but for those suffering from a life-threatening illness or a long-term debilitating condition, it can have an even greater impact. Each year the Dreams Come True Charity brings a smile of the faces of hundreds of children and young adults between two and 21 years who are suffering from a serious or terminal illness. We aim to bring some happiness into their lives, the benefits of which are many and varied for both the children and their families.
所有的孩子都有梦想,但多少人有机会梦想成真呢?对每个孩子来说,梦想的实现将会是他们生命中最神奇的时刻,但是对那些生命受着疾病威胁或是身体长期处于羸弱状态的孩子来说,想要实现梦想便是一种很大的压力。 每年,梦想成真慈委员会给上百个2到21岁身患重病的孩子或青少年带来欢乐。目的就是给孩子带来幸福,无论对孩子还是对他们的家庭来说,这样做都很有好处。