

As the dean stood on the deck of his boat, he noticed a piece of decayed debris floating by. "I have deceived myself," he thought, "my decline has simply shown me that my inner char acter is really like that piece of debris. But I am decomposing on the inside." "I have filled my life with decorative nonsense." He declared to the open sea. "Now my debt is too great and the drug dealer I owe money to is coming to visit me with deadly intentions. It was a decade of excess, but my deadline has come! I am not a decent person and I know it! God, why did you have to make me this way?" "Let your desires decrease." A rumbling voice from heaven said." And let a desire for me increase in you.
院长站在船甲板上,看见一块腐烂的碎片漂过。“我欺骗了自己,”他想,“我的衰落清楚地显示我内在的人格就像那碎片,但我的腐烂是从里面开始的。” “我一生很能装点面门却毫无意义,”他向空旷的大海宣布,“现在我债务缠身,我欠毒品贩子钱,他要来找我,置我于死地。这十年是多活的,而我的最后期限已到!我不是个体面的人,这我知道!上帝啊,你为什么要让我这样?” “让你的欲望减少一些吧”天上传来隆隆的声音,“让你对我的渴望增加一点儿。