




I go back to town tomorrow to face the warmongers. Are they after your blood? No one was counting in the cost of losing our export trade to the Continent. Do you think there will be a war? If Germany puts it off much longer, Russia will have enough railway to put her army on the frontier in 20 days. So the Germans are in a panic, it will take them twice that long to beat France and they don't want to be fighting on two fronts. Goodness. The things you chaps in London know! Would you like me to come and tuck you up? No, thank you very much. It's only for a minute. No, Brownlie. Dash it, Sylvia. Happy New Year.
我明天就要回城去见那些好战者了。他们要找你麻烦吗?谁都没考虑出口贸易被欧洲大陆垄断所带来的损失。你觉得会开战吗?德国再拖延下去俄国铺设的铁路就足够在二十日内把军队送上前线了,所以德国人很慌张。他们要花两倍的时间击败法国,他们可不希望腹背受敌。 天啊! 你们这些伦敦人知道的真多。 要我进去帮你盖被子吗? 不,你的好意我心领。 一小会儿就好。不用,布朗利。 该死,西尔维娅。新年快乐 。