








American and Chinese cultures are at polar opposites. An American hostess, complimented for her cooking skills, is likely to say, "Oh, I'm so glad that you liked it. I cooked it especially for you." Not so a Chinese host or hostess(often the husband does the fancy cooking), who will instead apologize for giving you "nothing"even slightly edible and for not showing you enough honor by providing proper dishes. The same rules hold true with regard to children. American parents speak proudly of their children's accomplishments, telling how Johnny made the school team or Jane made the honor roll. Not so Chinese parents, whose children, even if at the top of their class in school, are always so "naughty", never studying, never listening to their elders, and so forth. The Chinese take pride in "modesty"; the Americans in "straightforwardness".
美国和中国的文化截然不同。美国的女主人,当别人赞扬他的烹调技术时,很可能会说:“哦,你喜欢,我就高兴。我是特地为你做的。”而中国的男女主人就不一样(通常是男主人做一些高难度的菜),他们会认为“没什么好吃的”,以及没有合适的菜不成敬意而道歉。 同样的规则也适用于对待小孩。美国的父母谈起自己的孩子的成就时十分自豪,会说约翰尼是如何成为校队的一员,简是如何被评为优秀生上了光荣榜的。中国父母则不同,即使他们的孩子在班上名列前茅,也总是说他们非常顽皮,不肯读书以及4从来不听大人的话等等。 中国人谦虚为荣;而美国人则崇尚“直率”。