
【In some countries, traditional arts are going extinct. Some people think that we should try to keep them. To what extent you agree?】


Those who object to preserving the traditional arts may think that it would lay a heavy burden on the government's budgets. These people fail to recognise the economic value of the traditional arts. Since some arts symbolise the local or national culture, they can be used to boost the local tourism and economy. A good example illustrating this point is the native arts in Australia where many aboriginal people make a living by selling traditional-style handicrafts. As far as eye can see, laying at the heart of this issue is not even whether we should rescue traditional arts from the brink of extinction, but how we can make the efforts to keep them alive more efficient and effective.
那些反对保护传统艺术的人可能认为这会是政府预算的沉重负担。这些人没有意识到传统艺术的经济价值。由于一些艺术象征着地方或国家的文化,因此它们可被用来促进当地的旅游业和经济。能够有力印证这一观点的例子就是,在澳大利亚有许多土著人以出售传统风格的手工艺品谋生。 依我看,这个问题的关键并不在于我们是否应该拯救濒临消亡的传统艺术,而在于我们如何能将让它们延续下去的努力变得更加有效率和效力。