
U.S. National Education Association

According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U.S. National Education Association, young Americans say reading is important, more important than computers and science. Over 50% of the 12 to 18-year-olds interviewed said they enjoy reading a lot. 79% find it stimulating and interesting. And 87% think it is relaxing. About 68% of those surveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned. Over half the teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year. The results also show that middle school students read more books than high schoolers. Over 66% of teens like to read fiction, such as novels and stories. Only 26% were interested in non-fiction, such as history books. 64% of students listed reading stories about people my own age as their favorite topic. Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%. Just under 50% said they were interested in reading about their own culture and tradition. Of the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49% said that libraries are where they get most of their books. However, many complain that their school libraries do not have enough up-to-date interesting books and magazines. Even though many teenagers in the U.S. enjoy reading, they still have other interests. When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music. TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed.
根据美国国家教育协会在2001年所进行的一项关于阅读的实验报告,美国的年轻人认为阅读很重要,并且其重要程度超过计算机和科学。在12至18岁的被调查者中超过50%说读书很享受,79%觉得阅读引人入胜并且很有乐趣,87%认为读书使人放松。被调查的人中大约有68%并不认同阅读无聊而且过时这一看法,多于半数的青少年一年阅读的书超过十本。调查结果同样显示出中学生要比高中生读的书更多一些。超过66%的青少年喜欢读虚构的事情,例如小说和故事,而只有26%对非虚构类的书,例如史书,感兴趣。64%的学生将同年龄的人的故事列为他们最喜欢的阅读主题,悬疑和侦探小说以53%的比例位居第二。只有低于50%的人说他们喜欢阅读关于国家文化和传统的书籍。在这些参与调查的青少年中,49%说图书馆是他们得以阅读了大部分书的地方,然而,他们很多也抱怨他们的校图书馆里没有足够时新的、有趣的书和杂志。即使许多美国的青少年喜爱读书,他们也还有其他的兴趣爱好。当被问到停止哪一项活动一周对他们来说最困难时,48%表示是听音乐,25%是看电视。 ——译文来自: 绝对拖延症患者