
【In some countries, traditional arts are going extinct. Some people think that we should try to keep them. To what extent you agree?】



Today, many types of traditional arts and crafts are struggling on the brink of extinction. People have different attitudes toward this trend. As for me, I believe that traditional arts should still be cherished by us. Traditional arts are national treasures handed down from our ancestors; therefore, it is our responsibility as inheritors to keep them alive. A nation without abundant traditional arts, such as folk music, ethnic drawings or painting would feel rootless. Consequently, should those brilliant traditional arts die out, the nation's sense of belonging would be seriously eroded. Even worse once a form of traditional art disappears in history, it could never be truly revived. Only until then will the people realize that is a great loss, which at best would only result in nostalgia and regrets.
如今,许多传统工艺正濒临灭绝。对此,人们看法不一。依我看来,人们仍应珍惜传统艺术。 传统艺术是祖先流传下来的国宝,因此,作为继承者我们有责任使它们得以存续。一个国家若没有诸如民乐和民族绘画等传统艺术,就会感到无所寄托。因此,假如这些优秀传统艺术消亡,将严重削弱这个国家的归属感与民族特征。而且一旦一种传统艺术形式在历史上消失,就可能永远无法真正恢复。直到那时,忽视传统艺术的人们才会意识到这是一个巨大的损失,而这充其量也只能产生怀旧和遗憾。