
Miss Wannop

Mr MacMaster

23~25s处文本",but he wakes now! The beautiful soul, souls, ······"



He takes a pleasing shape. I have just been telling Miss Wannop about Mr MacMaster's circle of beautiful intellects, all devoted to the higher things. But I was ready for him! Beauty, truth, the shepherd's pipe, the gem-like flame, the wine-dark sea. Lord, your servant slept when your handmaiden was taken into bondage with a corset, but he wakes now! The beautiful soul, souls, in harmony with our little gathering of the finer minds, quite the finest really, the very best young writers, artists... And cast out the Devil's new contraption, the brassiere! And all the swaddling and strapping that constricts the freely-flowing and God-glorifying bounty of belly and breast! Of airy buttock... Why, Mr Duchemin! You are one of us! All we new women united against the corset, it is the very devil! You must write an article for our paper. How splendid.
他披了张不错的人皮。我刚刚还跟温诺普小姐说,麦克马斯特先生那些知识分子的朋友都是爱好高雅的人。但我已准备好迎战他。美丽、真相、牧羊人的笛子、宝石般的火焰、陈酒般深色的大海。主啊,您的女仆被紧身衣束缚时,您的仆人沉睡了片刻,但现在他醒了。那些美好的灵魂,他们与这小小的智者的聚会和谐共存。那真是些优秀的人,年轻作家和艺术家。 让我去除胸罩,这恶魔新的设计。这东西的束缚 阻碍了主所恩赐的腹部和乳房自由舞动, 还有臀部的透气。杜舍明先生啊,我们是同道中人。我们这些新女性都反对胸衣,它的确是恶魔。你一定要为我们的报纸写篇文章。 真是太好了。