




Hi. Sorry I'm late. Mid-afternoon nap in your vagina? I wish! No. I went to a cheap bakery supply store in Greenpoint and got us some supplies. Here. It's the basic cake decorating kit. And best of all I found us a fun, reasonable two-session cupcake decorating class at a bakery. We can learn how to make pretty roses. No way. The cupcakes don't need to be pretty. They compensate by having a great sense of humor. Pretty cupcakes is just another option for our business. People want pretty, we do pretty. Or people want homemade, we do-- Wait, where is our homemade? I didn't make any tonight. You didn't make any? What, you get one piece of constructive criticism and you stop making them? Max, it's business. And maybe Semhar has a point about making them pretty. First of all, what does she know about pretty? The woman has dreadlocks. Her head looks like the stuff you empty out of a vacuum cleaner bag.
大家好啊 抱歉我来晚了 在你阴道里午后小睡了一把吗 我也希望 可惜不是 我去绿点区一家便宜面包店用品店 给咱们买了点装备 给 这是基本的蛋糕装饰装备 最棒的是 我在一家蛋糕店给咱俩报了 一个好玩又价格合理的两课时蛋糕装饰课 我们能学到如何做出漂亮的玫瑰花哦 做梦 我的蛋糕不需要变漂亮 它们主攻幽默路线 漂亮的蛋糕只是我们事业的另一个路线 人们喜欢漂亮 我们就做得漂亮 或者人们喜欢自制 我们就... 等等 我们的自制蛋糕呢 今晚我没做 怎么不做啊 干嘛 就因为人家一次建设性的批评 就不再做蛋糕了吗 麦克斯 咱们是做生意 而且西蒙娜说得也不无道理呀 她懂什么叫做漂亮吗 一个雷鬼发型的女人懂个毛 她那颗头简直就像 吸尘器脏物袋里的垃圾似的