

Good Lord

Miss Wannop

Mrs Satterthwaite




Mr Waterhouse



I've just been complaining about you. Good Lord, why? What have I done? Your lot, I mean. Some of us have had to rusticate ourselves for the season. My milliner has let go three of her girls, and it serves you right if you lose the footman vote too. Miss Wannop! Do you know Mrs Satterthwaite? How do you do? She is our friend Tietjens's mother-in-law. Is that my fame? You know Christopher? Hardly, but I did meet Mr Tietjens last year in Rye. I haven't seen him since. Actually, this tea is for my mother, and I mustn't inflict myself on Mr Waterhouse with my inferior mind and my general incapacity for anything much except motherhood. So, if you'll excuse me. That's not at all what I... That's my first suffragette! Got it! You're Tietjens's feminist. If you're thinking of starting something, I've a good mind to smack your bare bottom! I'm sure you think of little else. You have a nerve showing your face here. I know you're Tietjens's whore. You're all gasping for it, you militant bitches! How dare you say something thing about a man you're not fit to serve as a boot-boy? About him? Good God, the girl's in love!
我刚刚还在抱怨你。天啊!为什么?我做了什么?我是说你们这些人,我们有些人还要去乡下避暑呢。我的制帽师已经散了三名女工,如果男仆也不投票给你,那是你活该。温诺普小姐,你认识萨特斯威特夫人吗?您好。她是蒂金斯的岳母。就这么介绍我啊。 你认识克里斯托弗。不怎么熟,去年在莱镇我们是见过面。那之后就再没碰到了。我其实是来为我母亲端杯茶的,再说我也不该叨扰沃特豪斯先生。毕竟我见识浅薄、百无一用,就只能相夫教子。那么就失陪了。我完全不是... 我还是第一次见妇女参政权论者呢。我知道了,你是蒂金斯的那个女权主者。你要是有什么非分之想, 可别怪我打你屁股。我敢说你满脑子都在想这个。你居然还敢跑到这儿来! 我知道你是蒂金斯的情妇。 你们这些个好斗的贱人,都欲念难耐吧!你怎么敢这么说他? 你给他当仆人都不够格!说他?老天啊,这姑娘是爱上他了!