Listen to the short talk entitled "Focus on the Main idea."






The main idea of a paragraph is usually stated in what is called a topic sentence. More often than not, the topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph. It is followed by other sentences, containing supporting details. When a difficult idea is discussed or when the purpose of the paragraph is to persuade and convince, the topic sentence is sometimes placed at the end of the paragraph. If a paragraph has an implied main idea, it does not have a stated topic sentence. The main idea is hinted at by the sentences in the paragraph as a whole.
一篇文章的主旨一般都是在所谓的中心句中。通常,中心句都是一篇文章的第一句,随后的句子用来阐释和支持它。 如果一篇文章要阐述的观点很复杂,或者文章是为了要进行说服读者,那么中心句则一般会放在段尾。 如果一篇文章的主旨是隐含在文章中的,那么就没有什么中心句了。文章的主旨则要从整篇文章出发,从各个句子及句子的联系中寻找线索。