1988年由Michael White&John Gribbon出版的史蒂芬.霍金传记的节选部分。从中可以看出伟大科学家霍金如何与疾病抗争的自强不息。


There is little doubt that


Jane Wilde



He had had some recurring dreams. He dreamt that he was going to be put to death, which made him realize that there were a lot of worthwhile things he could do if he were to be set free. In another frequently recurring dream, he thought he could give up his life to save others:“After all, if I were going to die anyway, it might as well do some good." There is little doubt that the appearance on the scene of a young woman was a major turning point in Hawking's life. This was Jane Wilde, whom he had first met at the party. After he came out of the hospital, the two of them began to see a lot more of one another, and a strong relationship developed. It was finding Jane that enabled him to break out of his depression.
他反复做着相同的梦。他梦到自己马上就要死了,这让他意识到只要活着还能有很多有意义的事情可以做。在另一个反复出现的梦境中,他梦到放弃自己的生命可以拯救到其他的人。“毕竟无论如何我都逃不掉死亡的追赶,那在活着的时候就多做些有意义的事情吧!” 一个年轻女人的出现毫无疑问是霍金生命中的一个重要转折点。这个女人叫做简.王尔德。霍金是在一次聚会上遇见她的。霍金出院以后,两个人开始更加了解彼此,就这样,一段强烈而真挚的感情就这样萌发了。正是简让霍金从绝望中重新走出来的。 翻译:beryldemon(水平有限,仅供参考) PS 望手下留情,勿随意点击挑错反馈。 欢迎站内。谢谢理解。