
【Many countries have spent vast sums of money on armament for the sake of self defence. Some people think that the government should stop putting money in this field. What is your opinion?】





Currently, the armament race is still intense among major powers, which takes up enormous sums of money and research resources. I believe national security is of vital importance to all nations. The real concern should be “How much money should be spent on national defence?" Reasonable amounts of money should be spent on developing military technology and keeping enough soldiers to ensure the safety of a country. Take the fall of the Roman Empire as an example. Even though it was due to a variety of reasons, the most direct one was that its army was too weak to prevented from being destroyed by foreign invaders. Today, with the trend of globalization conflicts between countries are frequent. A country would not have lasting development without an effective national-defence system. Another reason for supporting investment in national defence is that the technology developed for military use can often serve civil purposes as well. Take CDMA for example, it used to be telecommunications technology developed by the US army. But now, as it has been deployed across the world, millions of people are benefiting from the clear voice communication that it has brought. On the other hand, there are countries that put too much money on military forces. Destructive weapons have been invented, so powerful that they can destroy the earth several times. How much money would be reasonable for national defence budgets. It remains the question, but one thing is for sure, no country can afford to ignore its national defence.
当前世界上各大国之间的军备竞赛还在如火如荼地进行着,耗费了大量的金钱和研究资源。我同意国家安全对每个国家来说都是头等大事。真正的问题在于我们究竟应该花多少钱在国防建设上。 政府当然应投入一部分合理的资金到开发军事科技和保持足够的军队来保证国家安全上。就拿罗马帝国的陷落举个例子吧。尽管罗马的失败是有多方面原因的,但最主要的一个原因就是罗马帝国的军队过于羸弱,根本抵挡不住外国侵略者。而今天在全球化的大趋势下,国家之间的冲突愈发频繁。一个国家如果没有有效的国防能力,就根本谈不上持续发展。 而支持政府应在国防上投资的另一个理由则是以军事为目的的开发出的科技往往也能应用到民用目的上。就像CDMA,它原本是美国军方开发出的一种通信技术。但是如今它已经遍布世界各地,上百万的人们通过它享受着清晰的语音交流。 从另一个角度讲,也有些国家在军队上花费了过多的资金。新型武器不断被发明出来,它们的威力甚至可以摧毁地球好几次。各国都应该警惕这个倾向,因为它威胁世界和平与国际安全。 合理的国防预算到底应该是多少仍然是有争议的问题。但很显然没有国家可以忽视自己的国防。