

Miss Wannop


Lady Claudine


Well done, Val! Well done! You beastly little show-off! Of course, it had to be Miss Wannop! General. Are we on speaking terms? You still owe me 50 pounds for driving your motor into my mare last year. Tietjens had the rig on the wrong side of the road. That's what. Tietjens?! So it was him! Driving your rig. At daybreak. Good morning, Lady Claudine. Actually, it was partly the fog and partly that your brother didn't sound his horn. I was a witness. A witness indeed. So was I. A witness to what, I wouldn't know. Do excuse me.
接得漂亮,瓦伦 。接得漂亮。你真爱卖弄。一猜就是温诺普小姐。 将军,我们的交情怎样?去年你的车撞了我的母马,还欠我五十磅。是蒂金斯逆向驾车了。 蒂金斯!那个人是他!驾着你的马车,黎明时分。早上好,克劳汀夫人。事实上,一半是由于大雾, 一半是由于您弟弟没按喇叭。我都看到了。可不是嘛,我也看到了。只是不知看到了什么。失陪了。