


Determining your purpose:

A:reading for ______(填空不写)

     like reading the latest Harry Potter novel

B:reading for information

     reading in an isolated corner of the library

标题的书写规范:题目的每个单词都需要首字母大写(包括连字符后面的词),但冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for),介词和不定式的to除外。题目后不加句号,但如果是疑问句要加问号。

e.g. What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

Aspects That May Facilitate Reading Good morning. Do you have experience of drifting away as you read? It is an easy thing to do, especially when there are distractions around us competing for our attention. While this happens even to the best readers, there are strategies you can use that will keep you from wasting time. Today we will discuss some of these strategies. Now, let's take a look at the first strategy, that is, determining your purpose. Generally, reading can be divided into two broad purposes: Reading for pleasure and reading for information. You are reading for fun when you pick up the latest Harry Potter novel, for example, and you are reading for information when you find yourself hiding in an isolated corner of the library cramming for a test.
有助于提高阅读的方法 早上好!大家是否有这样的经历-读一本书读着读着就走神了?这种现象很正常,尤其是在我们周围有其他东西分散我们的注意力的时候。即使是最优秀的读者也不能避免在读书的时候走神,但是你可以使用一些应对策略,这样便不会浪费时间。今天我们将一起讨论其中几种应对方法。首先,我们来看下第一个策略,了解你的阅读意图。一般来说,阅读可分为两种意图:放松娱乐和获取知识。例如,你拿起一本新出的哈利波特小说,此时的阅读是为了娱乐;当你窝在图书馆不受干扰的一个角落准备考试的时候,这时读书是为了获得知识。 翻译by sugarle