
Restaurant Management

Second World War




Restaurant Management magazine in its November 1935 issue stated that most restaurant owners considerably underestimated the importance of the appearance of the menu. The magazine went on to say that the menu really has two important functions: (one) to sell food, and (two) to repeat and emphasize the unique atmosphere of that restaurant. In spite of the Depression of the 1930s, restaurants did well and menu design became important. There were increasing numbers of many different types of restaurants during this decade, including cafeterias, drive-ins, and lunch counters in stores, as well as the traditional, more formal restaurants. Many of the restaurants developed themes in food, decoration and menu styles. Progress in printing, photography, and especially color photography opened up more opportunities for creative expression. During the Second World War food rationing often hurt the business of restaurants, but as soon as victory was achieved, eating out became very popular again.
1935年11月这一期的《饭店管理》杂志指出:大多数饭店老板都在很大程度上低估了菜单外观的重要性。该杂志接着说道,菜单其实有两种重要的功能:(1)推销菜肴(2)反复突出饭店的独特魅力。 尽管30年代经济大萧条,饭店却生意良好,菜单设计也变得很重要。这十年内,饭店种类不断增多,除了传统的较正规的饭店以外,还出现了如自助餐厅,免下车餐馆,商店里的小吃部等。许多饭店在菜肴、装饰和菜单风格上还发展了自己的主题格调。 印刷,摄影,尤其是彩色摄影方面的进步为有创意的表现手法开拓了更多的机会。第二次世界大战期间,食品的定量供应常常影响饭店的生意,但是胜利后,出去吃饭就又马上流行起来了。