
【Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. To what extent do you think television has positively or negatively affected cultural development?】




It has been around forty years since television was first introduced into British households and people today still have mixed views on whether it has a positive or a negative influence on society. Many people believe that television damages culture. It promotes the stronger culture of countries such as Britain and the US and weakens the culture of less wealthy countries. This is because the stronger countries are able to assert their own culture by producing more programmes that are shown widely around the world. These programmes then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries where they are shown.
尽管从电视走进英国人的家庭已经有大约四十来年了,但直到今天人们仍然对它对社会所产生的影响褒贬不一。 许多人认为电视节目在残害着文化,认为电视在扮演着帮助英美文化这样的强势文化打压弱国文化的角色。这是因为强国可以将他们的文化植入电视节目中并在世界范围内播放。这些节目会对人们,尤其是对节目播放当地的年轻人产生深刻的影响。