1988年由Michael White&John Gribbon出版的史蒂芬.霍金传记的节选部分。从中可以看出伟大科学家霍金如何与疾病抗争的自强不息。


Stephen Hawking

St. Albans






When Stephen Hawking returned to St. Albans for the Christmas vacation at the end of 1962, the whole of southern England was covered in a thick blanket of snow. In his own mind, he must have known that something was wrong. The strange clumsiness he had been experiencing had occurred more frequently. At the party he threw on New Year's Eve, he had difficulties pouring a glass of wine, and most of the liquid ended up on the tablecloth. After a serious of examinations, he was told that he had a rare and incurable disease called ALS. The disease affects the patient's nerves in the spinal cord and the parts of the brain which control motor functions. The body gradually wastes away, but the mind remains unaffected. Hawking just happened to be studying theoretical physics, one of the very few jobs for which the mind is the only real tool needed. This, however, gave little comfort to the twenty-one-year-old who, like everyone else, had seen a normal life ahead of him rather than a death sentence. The doctors had given him two years.
当史蒂芬.霍金在1962年末的圣诞假期重新回到圣阿尔本兹的时候,整个南部英格兰都被覆盖在了厚厚的大雪当中。他心里好像隐隐约约知道有些什么不好的事情将会发生。那种长久以来身体的笨拙感出现得越来越频繁。在除夕夜的晚会上,他甚至很难将酒倒在杯子里,大多数的酒都洒在了桌布上。 经过一系列严密的体检后,他被告知得了一种叫做ALS的罕见并且难以治愈的病。这种病会影响到病人的脊髓神经以及脑部控制运动机能的部分。身体会逐渐萎缩,但并不影响到心智。于是霍金开始学习并研究理论物理—少数可以仅仅靠大脑工作的职业之一。这项工作,毫无疑问给了这个年仅二十一岁的青年一点点安慰。他也曾经和大多数同龄人一样看到的未来是健健康康地生活下去而不是死亡。医生说他只有两年时间可以存活了。 翻译:beryldemon(水平有限,仅供参考) PS 望手下留情,勿随意点击挑错反馈。 欢迎站内。谢谢理解。