







In the first of two studies, Cartwright gave a mood test to normally healthy participants, recorded their sleep in a laboratory for one night, then gave them a second mood test when they rose in the morning. During the night, the volunteers were awakened now and then and asked to describe the content of their dreams. Subjects were divided into two groups: one having neutral feelings before bedtime and one with bad moods. Cartwright found that subjects who had been in neutral moods before sleeping had little change in attitude when they woke. Subjects who were generally not depressed but went to bed in a bad mood, however, reported feeling much better after a good night's sleep. This change was reflected in their dreams: people whose moods improved overnight reported experiencing more negative dreams at the beginning of the night and progressively fewer and fewer as sleep went on. Subjects in neutral moods had no change in the content of their dreams.
卡特赖特做了两项研究,在第一项研究中,先给那些身体正常健康的实验参与者做一次情绪测试,并记录下他们在实验室一晚的睡眠情况,然后在他们早晨起床时再做一次情绪测试。在夜间,这些志愿受试者不时地被叫醒,要他们描述自己的梦境。受试者们被分成两组:一组在睡觉之前情绪平静,另一组则情绪不佳。 卡特赖特发现,那些睡觉前情绪平静的人在醒来后心态没什么大的变化,而那些通常情况不消沉但睡前情绪不佳的人都说睡了一个好觉后感觉好多了。 这个变化反映在他们的梦境里:据那些一夜之间心情有所改善的实验者反映,他们在睡眠初期噩梦较多,但随着睡眠的深入,这样的梦越来越少。而情绪平静的受试者在梦内容上没什么变化。