



So we have at least that in common. "Were you exiled during the war?" Roma asks me gently, in that careful way people with experience ask one another questions about those years. "No. I was in a concentration camp in Germany," I reply. I don't specify which camp, or give any other details right then. Telling the story has become tedious, as I have done it so many times. Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet. "What is it?" I ask. "You see, when I was a young girl, I lived near a concentration camp. There was a boy there, a prisoner, and for a long while, I used to visit him every day."
因此至少在这一点上我们有共同之处。 “你是在战争期间流亡来到这里的吗?”罗玛用移民相互之间问及那段岁月时所特有的体贴方式柔声细语地问道。 “不是。那时我在德国的集中营里,”我答道。我没有说明哪个集中营,也没有说其他任何细节。这个故事太乏味了,因为我已经重复过许多次了。 罗玛的双眼透出若有所思的神色,好像回忆起了某件痛苦而又甜蜜的事情。 “你怎么了?”我问她。 “是这样,我小时候住在集中营附近。那儿有一个男孩,一个小囚犯,有很长一段时间我每天都去看他。”