
Rosalind Cartwright

Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)

Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke's Medical Center




According to new studies, dreams can fix your bad moods each night - and if you're depressed, dreams may predict whether you'll recover more quickly. It is natural to wake up in the morning with a sunny outlook, relieved of the previous evening's worries. In fact, studies show that a solid night of sleep improves moods in healthy individuals. But sleep's effects on healthy and depressed people are as different as night and day. People who are seriously depressed actually feel worse after sleeping, since they have more abstract, confusing dreams. Research led Rosalind Cartwright, Ph.D., director of the Sleep Research Center at Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke's Medical Center in Chicago, to wonder how dreams allow our brains to repair our moods - and why this feel-good mechanism doesn't seem to work in the seriously depressed.
根据最新的研究,每天晚上梦都可以调整你的不良情绪。而且如果你情绪低落的话,你的梦也许会预示你是否会比较快地使情绪变好。 早晨起床,人们自然会感到心情开朗,摆脱了头天晚上的种种烦恼。事实上,研究表明,好好地睡一晚上会改善健康人的心境。 但是,对健康的人和心情沮丧的人而言,睡眠的效果却可能天差地别。情绪特别沮丧的人在睡眠后会感觉更糟,因为他们做的梦更抽象,更能搅乱人的心境。 罗莎琳德·卡特赖特博士是芝加哥拉什·长老会·圣卢克斯医疗中心睡眠研究中心主任,对梦的研究使她很想搞清楚我们的大脑如何通过梦来调整我们的心情,为什么这种能使人感觉良好的的心理机制在那些极度抑郁的人身上似乎不起作用。