





Danny: You know, in all the casting agencies, they try and strike up an exclusive with any movie with a decent budget. I mean, it's small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but, hey, every little counts, right?

Mickey: Except we just lost Joe.

Danny: I said, _____1_____.

Mickey: How? This is a cash deal. We meet the producer at breakfast before the banks open.

Danny: You know what? Screw the deal, I'm glad Joe's out of it. The guy's only interested in the bottom line. _____2_____. You know what his favorite film is, Frank? Rambo. I mean, how are you gonna do business with a guy like that? Bogart, Cagney, now they made movies.

Frank: You like Cagney?

Danny: No one like him, _____3_____.

Frank: Best film?

Danny: White Heat.

Frank: ''Made it, Ma. ''

Danny: ''Top of the world. ''

Frank: Good film, but not his best. Do you know he was a dancer? Came up through vaudeville?

Danny: That's right.

Frank: __________4___________.

Mickey: When you two have finished, ______5______?

Frank: Yeah.

I'd take care of it He's got no soul before or since Best song and dance man in the business can we get back to the job in hand
丹尼:在所有的演员中介里面,他们试图对每个带有强大预算的电影构造一个专有权。这只是盛大安排中的一个小土豆,但是,嘿,每一点都是要计算的,不是吗? 米奇:除了我们刚失去了乔。 丹尼:我说了,我会来操心的。 米奇:怎么弄?这是桩现金交易。我们可是要在早餐的时候和制片人见面的,而那时银行还没有开门。 丹尼:你知道吗?话说回来,我很高兴乔已经出局了。这个家伙只对净赚的有兴趣,他什么都不懂。你知道他最喜欢的电影是什么吗,弗兰克?兰博。你怎么会和这样的家伙做生意呢? Bogart, Cagney,他们才是演电影的。 弗兰克:你喜欢Cagney? 丹尼:他是前无古人,后无来者。 弗兰克:最好的电影? 丹尼:白热杀机。 弗兰克:“成了!妈!” 丹尼:“世界之巅”! 弗兰克:好电影,但不是他最好的。你知道他曾经是个舞者吗?在电影中穿插舞蹈? 丹尼:是的。 弗兰克:电影中最好的歌者和舞者。 米奇:你们两个讨论结束的话,我们是否能回到手头的正事? 弗兰克:可以。