


I wrote Winnie two letters about a particularly beautiful tomato plant, how I made it grow from a tender seedling to a strong plant that produced deep red fruit. But then, either through some mistake or lack of care, the plant began to wither and decline, and nothing I did would bring it back to health. When it finally died, I removed the roots from the soil, washed them, and buried them in a corner of the garden. I told her this small story at great length. I do not know what she read into that letter, but when I wrote it I had a mixture of feelings: I did not want our relationship to go the way of that plant, and yet I felt that I had been unable to nourish many of the most important relationships in my life. Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.
我给Winnie写了两封信,信的内容提到了我那长得特别好的番茄。在信里我给她描述了我如何将一颗脆弱的小苗培育成茁壮得长出深红色果实植物的过程。但是,一旦缺少一点点的关照以及犯下一点点的错误,这颗植物就会枯萎乃至衰亡。这种时候,没有任何方法可以给它重新带来健康。当它最终死亡的时候,我从土里拔出它的根,清洗干净,然后将它们埋葬在了花园的一个小角落里面。 我通过这个小故事是想告诉她更深的含义。我不知道当她读这封信的时候会领悟到什么,但当我写着这封信的时候我心中感到五味杂陈。我不希望我们之间的关系就像这颗植物这样最终枯萎。即便如此,我也明白我没有能力长期滋养生命中众多重要的人际关系。有时候,人们在面对一段终将逝去的人际关系,只能听之任之。 翻译:beryldemon(水平有限,仅供参考)