


Ryan Huntley

Michael Davis







Excuse me. Victoria. Yes. I'm Ryan Huntley. Michael Davis introduced us a couple of years ago at an art auction at Sotheby's. You outbid me on a spectacular Kandinsky. I remember. You cost me a tortune. Forgive me for being indelicate, but your husband asked to retain me as his divorce attorney. And you just happened to run into me here? For reasons of my own, I declined his offer. But believe me when I say, I'd love nothing more than to represent you against your husband. I'll give it some thought. Please do. Hey, ma. Daniel, I'm so glad you could come. And I see that you brought Emily. Victoria, I hope you don't mind. Daniel told me everything, and we just really wanted to come and show our support. I'm sure you must be devastated. Devastated is not the word I would use. And quite frankly, my marriage is the last thing I want to talk about right now. Well, why don't we talk about Tyler? Don't you think it's weird he's still in the pool house even though I'm staying at Emily's? Quite the opposite. With you gone, I rather like having him there. Tyler seems almost like family to me. Ok, but he's not and he never will be. I'd rather have someone in the house than no one at all. Unless of course you're telling me that you're planning on moving back home. No. Well, then, as far as I'm concerned, he stays.
打扰一下,维多利亚。 你好。 我是雷安亨特利。几年前的苏富比艺术品拍卖会上迈克戴维斯介绍我们认识的。您出价比我高,带走了康定斯基的名画。 想起来了,您花了我不少银子呢。 如我冒昧,您丈夫请我当他的离婚律师。 而你恰好在这儿碰到我? 出于个人原因,我拒绝了他的邀请,但请您相信我愿意做您的律师。 我会考虑的。 谢谢。 嘿,老妈。 丹尼尔,你能来太好了,还带了艾米莉一起。 维多利亚,希望你别介意。丹尼尔都告诉我了,我们想表达对你的支持,你现在一定悲痛欲绝吧。 这不至于,而且我现在真心不想谈这个。 那我们聊聊泰勒吧。你不觉得我搬去和艾米莉住后他还留在家里不合适吗? 正相反,你走了我更想他留在那儿,这样才有家的感觉。 他做梦。 有人总比没人好,当然了,除非你打算告诉我你要回家住了。 不。 那么他就住在那儿了。 (melare 原创翻译)