


Nolan Ross


David Clarke

Emily (Ems)



Barry Josslin


So a quick recap, in case you've been too busy knocking boots with the young Grayson to remember what happened on last week's episode of "The Tyler Chronicles." I remember, Nolan. Get to the point. Well, after Tyler finished apologizing for taking my credit card on a pretty theft crime spree, he started google stalking one David Clarke. Take a look. Now check out my browser history. Have you wired money over to Grayson Global yet? Happening as we speak. $20 million. Pull it back. I don't think that's a good idea. What? If I pull my money and crush Tyler's chances of becoming a Grayson, Ems, who knows that he'll do next? Well, hopefully, he'll try to blackmail Conrad with what's in that speech. Oh, really? I don't know. I thought you had bigger, better plans for the Graysons. I do. Lydia's speech contains information not evidence. Let's not forget, Tyler no longer has it in his possession, we do. Which you never thanked me for, by the way. I'll thank you when Tyler's out of the picture. Unless of course, you have your own reasons for keeping him around. I'll call my business manager this afternoon. How about you call him now? Nolan Ross for Barry Josslin.
免得你和小格雷森共度良宵忘了上周的“泰勒插曲”,我们来回顾一下。 我记得,诺兰,说正题。 泰勒偷了我的信用卡打劫道歉之后,他搜了一个叫大卫克拉克的人。过来看看我的浏览器记录。 你的钱打给格雷森国际了么? 正在进行。 撤回来。 我不认为这是个好主意。干嘛?我要是撤回来了泰勒就当不成格雷森的一员了,艾米,谁知道他会干出什么事? 不出意外应该会拿演讲稿里的东西敲诈康拉德。 不是吧,我可不知道,我还以为你有更大更好的计划。 我是有。莉迪亚的演讲稿空口无凭,况且稿子现在在我们手里,泰勒可没有。 说到这个你还没谢我呢。 等解决了泰勒就谢你,除非,你有自己的理由留下他。 我下午就给我的商务经理打电话。 现在就打如何? 找巴里加斯林,我是诺兰罗斯。 (原创翻译 melare)