


Nolan Ross

tonsil hockey







Ashley. Wait a second. Ashley, stop. Please. Ashley, wait. Look, let me explain. What I just saw does not need an explanation. It's not what you're thinking. Clearly, I haven't been thinking since the minute we met. I'm such an idiot, and you're a bastard! No. I'm whatever I need to be, whenever I need to be. Look, I thought we agreed to step up our game. Well, I didn't realize you meant a game of tonsil hockey with Nolan Ross. It's a small price to pay for his $20 million. Anyway, the real question is, what are you doing? All I see is, "Yes, Mrs. Grayson. Of course, Mrs. Grayson." You really want to be her lackey for the rest of your life? No. Of course not. Well, then stop acting like one and get in the game like everyone else. There you are. You mind if I steal this gentleman away? Please do. Tyler. Daniel, Mr. Takeda had nothing but good things to say about you. However, he's not willing to commit just yet. Tyler, I just spoke with Nolan Ross, and he is buying in for $20 million. Congratulations. That's terrific news, sir. You'll have your commission check just as soon as he wires the funds. Don't spend it all in one place. Oh, I won't sir. Thank you, sir. Side-out, bitch.
艾什莉,等一下。艾什莉,求你,别走了。艾什莉,等等。给我个解释的机会。 我看见的不需要解释。 不是你想的那样。 显然自打我认识你就没那么想过。我就是个笨蛋,而你是个混蛋! 不,为达目的我可以在任何时候做任何事。听着,我们不是说好游戏要升级么? 我没想到你的意思是要和诺兰罗斯搞基。 那只是2000万刀的小代价。算了,问题是你在搞什么?我看见的就是你对格雷森夫人卑躬屈膝。你想一辈子被她颐指气使么? 当然不是。 那就不要那样子了。学着和大家一样吧。 你在这儿啊。我能借用一下你的男伴么? 请便。 泰勒。 丹尼尔,武田先生对你赞赏有加,但他还没打算投资。泰勒,我刚和诺兰罗斯谈过,他打算买进2000万刀的股票,恭喜你。 那太好了,先生。 他的钱你到账你就会拿到佣金。别把鸡蛋都放进一个篮子哦。 不会的,谢谢您,先生。换发球了,倒霉蛋。 (原创翻译 melare)