






No. Daniel's got one more year at Harvard. I didn't exactly knock his socks off, did I? Mr. Takeda was very impressed by you. Right. Must have been my extensive knowledge of Disneyland Tokyo. Well, if you change your mind, here's my card. Best of luck with the grandkids. Nice meeting you. They seem like they only came for the free food and drink. Uptight bastards. No, don't sour. Move on to the next. Yeah, you're right. Would you mind grabbing me a drink? Make it a stiff one. You got it. I didn't think you'd show. I'm still conflicted. Look, Nolan, don't string me along if you're not planning to invest. There are dozens of potentials here that I can be talking to. You must have some cast-iron cajones to ask me to open my checkbook after you stole from me. It's shocking and admirable all at the same time. What is it you want, Nolan? You wouldn't have some down here if you didn't have something on your mind. What's say we continue this negotiation in private? Follow me.
不,丹尼尔还要在哈佛再读一年。 他对我并不感兴趣吧。 武田先生对你印象深刻。 是啊,八成是因为我对东京迪斯尼乐园很熟悉。 如果你们改变想法,这是我的名片。祝您的孙子们好运。 很高兴认识你们。看起来只是来蹭吃蹭喝的。 真是穷光蛋。 不,别灰心,再接再厉。 嗯,你说得对。帮我拿杯酒好么,要烈点儿的。 好的。 没想到你会来。 我还是很纠结。 听着诺兰,要是你不打算投资就不要缠着我了。这儿有很多潜在对象我可以去游说的。 你还真是有两把刷子,竟然从我这儿偷了东西还敢要钱。震惊之余还挺让我刮目相看的。 你想怎么样,诺兰?如果你没想法是不会来这儿的。 我们找个地方继续这个话题如何? 跟我来。 (原创翻译 melare)