




Today I'd like to give you some idea about how life at an American university or college might be different from the way it is in your country. To be sure, the student body on a U. S. campus is a pretty diverse group of people. First of all, you will find students of all ages. Although most students start college at around the age of 18, you will see students in their 30s and 40s and even occasionally in their 60s and 70s. Students on a U.S. campus come from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Many students work at least part-time, and some of them work full-time. Some of the students live in dormitories on campus, some have their own apartments usually with other students, and others live at home.
今天我要给大家讲的是美国大学校园,大家来感受一下他们的学习生活和你们国家的有什么不同。 无疑,美国校园的学生群体是非常多样的。你可以在这里遇到各种年龄段的学生。虽然学生从18岁开始进大学,但是你也会遇到30多岁、40多岁的,偶尔还会有60、70多岁的。 美国校园的学生社会背景也千差万别。有的学生有正式工作,大多数学生也起码有个兼职。有的住在学生宿舍,有的会和其他学生在外租住公寓,有的则是住在自己家里。