The growth of the world’s population and its pressure to resources __1
threaten to change the quality of life as we know it. It takes __2
100,000 years of human existence for the world to reach its 1997population of 5.85 billion people. The increase of 80 million people in 1996 alone is the equivalent of a new U.S population every 3.4years or new Canadian population every 138 days. The UN population Fund predicts that by the year 2050, the world population have __3
exploded to 10 billion people. This would double in less than a century the already bulging population who existed when it reached __4
5 billion in 1987. The chemicals we spew into the air also cause disease.
For example, they attack the Earth’s ozone layer, which helps shield the Earth away the Sun’s deadly ultraviolet rays. It is well established __5
that the ozone layer has thinned considerably during recent decades.Concomitantly, the rate of new cases of the dead skin cancer, __6
melanoma, has grown dramatically from 1,168 of each 100,000 __7
Americans to 3,650. This 213 percent increase means that 40,300 Americans diagnosed with melanoma in 1997 and 3,650 died of the __8
disease. There are some scientists who believe that pollution is even threatening the ability of humans to produce. Chemicals which are __9
used to make pesticides, plastic, and other products are finding their ways into the human food chain through fish and even through __10
breast milk.
1. to—on
“给……造成的压力”应表述为 one’s pressure on something,名次pressure通知和介词on搭配。
2. takes—took
3. popular--^will
这是一个时态问题。时间状语by the year 2050 是一个非常重要的信息,它表示将来的某一个时间点,这时主句应该用“将来完成体”will have done.
4. who—that/which
5. away—from
shield something from something 的意思是“遮挡……使得不受……的侵害”。
6. dead—deadly
deadly 表“致命的”。
7. each—every
表示频率“每……中有……”,这里应该用every,而不能用each,例如:once every week,不能说 once each week。
8. ^diagnosed—were
diagnose(诊断)是一个及物动词,可以说be diagnose with/as…...例如:
The child has been diagnosed as having flu.
9. produce—reproduce
produce 的意思是“生产,制造”,reproduce的意思是“生殖,繁殖”。
10. ways—way
find one’s way into something 意思是“(设法)走进,进入”。在这个表达中,way只以单数形式出现。这样的词组还有:push one’s way into, work one’s way into, elbow one’s way into等。