

Beautiful lawns, spacious homes, happy families. These are the hallmarks of suburbia. But if you look beneath the veneer of gracious living. You will see a battle raging, a battle for control. You see the combatants everywhere, engaged in their routine skirmishes. Fighting fiercely to have dominion over the world around them all the while knowing, it's a battle they will lose.
芳草如茵,豪宅林立,人人安居乐业。(在人们的心中)市效就是这样一个人间天堂。然而,透过雅致的住宅,薄薄的钢筋水泥的背后却是激烈的你争我夺,人人都想成为主宰。争名逐利成为日常生活中的主旋律。为了能够主宰周围的世界,人们勾心斗角,他们认为除非全力以赴,否则便是人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。 ——译文来自: dawnsha