

lobster bisque


South Hampton P.D



Frank Stevens


Are you ready for lunch? I brought you lobster bisque. I'm not hungry. Thank you. Victoria, you don't have to keep doing this. I remember exactly what happened that night of the benefit. That's wonderful. What exactly do you remember? I remember that you told me you'd never accept me, and that your hatred ran deeper than any apology I could ever make. Excuse me. South Hampton P.D. Detective Gunther, what is this about? There's been a development in the Frank Stevens case. We have a warrant to search your home. I have a friend convalescing in this room. I would appreciate it if your men would refrain from disturbing her. Well, we won't if we don't have to. Cell tower picked up Frank Stevens' phone signal late last night, and GPS tracked it to inside your property lines. That doesn't make any sense. The last time Frank called me was from outside this house. Mrs. Grayson, we know that you and Mr. Stevens had regular contact. We also know that your husband abruptly fired Mr. Stevens shortly before checking into a hotel the night of the murder. Would you characterize Mr. Grayson as a jealous man? Sir? I think we found the phone.
准备好吃午饭了么?我给你准备了龙虾汤。 我不饿,谢谢。维多利亚,你不用继续做这些了,慈善晚会那晚的事我记得很清楚。 那真太好了,你都记得些什么? 我记得你说你永远不会接纳我,无论我如何道歉,只会让你恨意绵延。 不好意思。 南汉普顿警局。 冈瑟警探,什么事? 弗兰克史蒂文斯一案有了进展,我们要搜查你的房子,这是搜查令。 我有个朋友在这康复修养,如果你能管好手下的人不打扰她,我将不胜感激。 如果没必要我们自然不会。昨日深夜基站收到了弗兰克史蒂文斯的手机信号,GPS追踪到了你家地界。 无稽之谈,上次弗兰克打给我是在这儿以外。 格雷森夫人,我们知道你和史蒂文斯先生过从甚密,我们也知道你老公突然解雇了他,在他住进酒店的当晚凶案就发生了。你觉得格雷森先生是个善妒的人么? 长官,我们找到手机了。 (原创翻译 melare)