
HINTS:Hampshire lake

           10 pm

          "You have to put it back, son."


          "There will be other fish."

          "Not as big as this one."


He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a new Hampshire lake. On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening. Catching sunfish and perch with worms. When his rod doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. He very gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he'd ever seen, but it was a bass. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 pm - two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. "You have to put it back, son." he said. "Dad" cried the boy. "There will be other fish." said his father. "Not as big as this one." cried the boy.
那时他11岁,抓住每次的机会去码头钓鱼在new Hampshire lake的中部他们家的小木屋里。 在钓盐鲈鱼开放时期的前一天,他和他的爸爸晚上很早的来到钓鱼地点。用小虫子做饵抓淡水小鱼和鲈鱼。当他的杆往下垂,他知道有大的东西上钩了。 他非常激动的从水里拉起这个筋疲力尽的鱼,是之前从没见过的大个的鲈鱼。 父亲摁亮手表看了看时间。10点,离开放时间还有两个小时,他看了看鱼又看了看男孩。“你要把它放回去儿子”他说。“爸爸”孩子哭着说。“还会有其他的鱼的”父亲说。“但是没有比这个大的了”孩子哭着说。 ——