








So it was not surprising that very soon my mother noticed something was troubling me. When I said nothing was wrong, my mother answered, "You are my daughter. When something is bothering you, I feel it too." The pain and care I saw in her moon-shaped eyes made me burst into tears I had held back for so long. I explained to her the fear I had of going to school. "Learning English is not impossible," my mother said. She cheerfully suggested that the two of us work together to learn the language at home with books. The confidence and determination my mother had were admirable because English was as new to her as it was to me. That afternoon, I saw my mother in a different light as she waited for me by the school fence. Although she was the shortest of all the mothers there, her face with her welcoming smile and big, black eyes was the most promising. The afternoon sun shone brightly on her long, black hair, creating an aura that distinguished her from others.
因此,毫不奇怪,我母亲很快注意到有什么事情困扰着我。我跟她说一切正常,母亲回答说:“你是我女儿,你有烦心事,我也能感觉到。”在她弯月形的眼睛里,我看到了痛苦和关心,忍了很长时间的眼泪一下子像开了闸似的。我向她解释我为什么害怕去学校。“学会英语不是不可能的,”妈妈说。她很乐意地建议我们俩一起借助书本在家学英语。妈妈的自信和决心令人钦佩,因为英语对她来说是同样陌生的。 那天下午,妈妈在学校的篱笆旁等我,妈妈在我的眼里和以前不一样了。尽管她是在场的妈妈们中最矮的,但是,她那友好的笑容、大大、黑黑的眼睛,使她的脸庞透露出最美好的希望。午后的阳光照在她长长的黑头发上,产生的光环和氛围使得她有别于其他的母亲。 ——译文来自: bx3214740