


Frank Stevens

Victoria Grayson

Emily Thorne

nova scotia salmon

时间格式请写作6:00 a.m.



After my parents died, I went through some pretty dark times. I ended up at Allenwood. What's Allenwood? It's a maximum security juvenile correctional facility. Why maximum security? My last foster father abused us. I put a stop to it. That's why I've dedicated my life to charity, trying to right the wrongs and all of that. How many times did you cross paths with Mr. Stevens? Once. It was right around the time that your father fired him. He was waiting for me here, threatening to expose me to your family. I guess he never got around to it. One last thing. Where were you last night between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.? She was in bed with me, all night. Actually, I slipped out before the sun came up to go to the fish market. The fish market? Check the fridge. Wild nova scotia salmon. The receipt's time-stamped 5:36 a.m. Thank you for your time, Ms. Thorne. Of course.
我父母去世后,我经历了一段黑暗的岁月。我曾经去了艾伦伍德。 那是什么? 一座最高警戒的少管所。 为什么是最高警戒? 我之前的养父虐待我们,我以牙还牙了。所以现在我致力于慈善事业,尽可能去弥补当初的错误。 你和史蒂文斯先生接触过几次? 就一次。你父亲刚解雇他时他来这里找过我,威胁把我的过去告诉你的家人。 看来他没觅得机会。 最后一个问题,昨晚12点到今早6点你在哪儿? 她整晚都和我在床上睡觉。 早上我去了趟海鲜市场。 海鲜市场? 你可以看看冰箱里面。 野生斯科舍鲑鱼,收据时间是5点36分。 谢谢您的配合,索恩女士。 应该的。 (原创翻译 melare)