<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>
H: Lucas? L: Hi. I know you're on your way out. H: No, no. Come in. L: I don't wanna keep you. H: Seriously, just come in. L: Could you get this to Caleb? I tried to find him, but I guess he's not living in the same spot. H: What is this? L: It's the last of the money I owe him. Took me a while to get it. H: Do you want something to drink or anything? L: No, I'm good. H: What happened to your leg? L: Oh, I had an accident skateboarding.      1      H: What happened between you and Mona? L: Nothing. Nothing.      2      H: Does Mona have something on you, Lucas?      3      Did someone stab you in that leg on Halloween? L: We'll talk about this another time. H: No, I need answers. Why is she suddenly back at school? Why is she coming back? L: Hanna, yesterday wasn't her first day back.      4      H: Why? Where was she going? What was she doing? L:I'm sorry. I'm sorry.      5      H: Okay. I get it. I miss you. L: I miss you, too.
It's kind of hard to explain. I haven't spoken to her in months. Did you do something that you really regret? She was sneaking out of there way before she had the doctor's permission. That's the best that I can do.