

We're here to talk to you about Marcie Mitchell.
I'm her mother.
I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am.
What's this?
They're for me. 1________________.
Is this about mom?
I said inside.
You gonna judge me or ask questions?
Is there anyone who can help you with the kids?
Ma'am, we've just been assigned your daughter's case.
We're in the process of gathering information, but so far no witnesses have come forward.
Well, around here 3_____________________--every 15 minutes.
Nobody's stupid enough to talk, nobody cares.
We do.
You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for them.
"Heinous crimes against upstanding members of the community."
Nobody writes about prostitutes being shot because 4______________________.
You're right.
Cases like your daughter's usually go unsolved.
The problem is people aren't looking for them because they don't know that they're missing.
Doesn't mean she was any less important.
She made bad choices.
But she was a good person.
She loved those boys.
Whoever shot her should pay for what they did.
So don't come in here and say you're sorry.
Just do something about it.
We will, Ma'am.
Take your brother inside Is that what you came here for guns go off like those damn car alarms they won't admit they think they're cleaning up the place Part of her job was to stay below the radar
我们过来是想谈谈Marcie Mitchell的事 我是她母亲 关于她的事我们很抱歉,女士 怎么了? 他们是来找我的。把你弟弟抱进去。 是关于妈妈吗? 我让你进去。 你们是打算审问还是调查? 有人帮你照料孩子吗? 你来就是问这个的? 女士,我们被指派调查你女儿的案子。 现在是搜集信息阶段,但是至今没有任何目击证人。 哦,这里人来人往,每十五分钟就有一辆警车。 没有人会多管闲事的,没人管。 我们来管。 要不是他们,你们也不会来的。 “残害社区上层人员的亡命之徒” 没人愿意报道妓女被枪击的案子,因为他们不想承认,他们认为凶手只是在清理社会罢了 你说的对。 像你女儿这样的案子经常悬而不破。 人们通常不会去找他们,是因为人们都不知道他们是不是失踪了。 他们的工作都是在阴暗处的。 并不意味着他们的生命无足轻重。 她做出了错误的选择。 但是她是个好人。 她爱着那些男孩。 无论是谁杀了她,都该为此付出代价。 所以不要只过来说你们很遗憾。 去做点什么。 我们会的,女士。 ——译文来自: wenzi0427