沪江英乐:英伦独立流行二人团 Rue Royale 新单《Every Little Step》,美丽的场景诉说着一个芭蕾之梦。来自童年与成人的蒙太奇拼贴让人动容。希望可以听到他们的更多作品,加油!

【英伦独立流行二人团 Rue Royale 新单】


Been alive been alive but I just woke up
Been here all of my life but I'm picking up
Picking up where I left off before I just seized up
Can't recall, recall it all cos it was some days ago

Been a lot going on and I'm way behind
But I'm here and I'm trying and I'll tow the line
All I need is a chance a single chance and I'll make it right

There's been a mirror in my face and it chokes me up
Oh I'm gonna stare into that gaze until they give up
Every little step that I take…is progress

There's been a clock counting down empty hours here
And as the minutes fly by I'm working overtime
Working on getting my mind around this road ahead
Can't go back
Can't go backwards