





How do you like your article? "With a strength to withstand the passage of time and a sparkling polish that won't quit, silver is the perfect fit for the Graysons' own brand of marital bliss." I'd be happier if this couple bore any resemblance to us. I just hope our children have better luck. I thought you didn't believe in luck. I don't believe in good luck. I'm sure Lydia would agree if she were able. Speaking of, I find it curious you took it upon yourself to pay her hospital bills. Why the 180? Well, it's easy to blame Lydia for what's happened between us. The truth is, we're not all that different. When I met you 25 years ago, you were married, and I was lonely and insecure, just like Lydia. That's funny. I don't recall you ever being either of those things. And for the record, I really never have loved any woman the way I've loved you.
文章怎么样? “时光荏苒,他们的爱情永不褪色,格雷森夫妇的婚姻正是银婚代表的永恒之爱的真实写照。”我们要真像写的那样恩爱就好了。只希望孩子们能好命点。 我以为你不信命。 我是不信天上掉馅饼。莉迪亚要是在这儿肯定会对此同意的。 说起来,你替她付了医药费还真奇怪,怎么态度180°大转弯了? 把我们之间的事推给她倒是简单了。话说回来,我们并没什么不同。25年前我遇见你,那是你已经结婚了,我独自一人无异于靠,无异于现在的她。 真搞笑,我怎么不记得你曾经孤苦过。再次重申,我从未如爱你这般爱过别的女人。 (原创翻译 melare)