
Pudong Development Bank 

No.12 Zhongshan Road(E.1) 
The building not only looks splendid and majestic, but also reminds of financial abundance and reliability. On December 12, 1996, the Pudong Development Bank became the new owner of No.12 Zhongshan Road(E.1) through a land swap. And during the thorough refurbishing taking place in 1997, the frescos were once again able to unveil their heavy masks and beckon in the curious visitors.
这大楼不仅给人以华丽庄严的感觉,而且能使人联想到汇丰银行的经济实力和其可依赖型。 1996年12月12日,浦东开发银行通过置换,成了中山东一路12号大楼的新主人。1997年进行全面装修时,被泥灰封存多年的天花板壁画终于揭开了厚重的面纱,重新笑迎好奇的宾客。