

400 million

600 million



翻译by melodyhan

There are more than 2,700 languages in the world. In addition, there are more than 7,000 dialects. A dialect is a regional variety of a language that has a different pronunciation, vocabulary, or meaning. The language in which a government conducts business is the official language of that country. 1 billion people speak English. That's 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million it's either a second language or a foreign language. There are more than 500,000 words in the Oxford dictionary. 80% of all English vocabulary comes from other languages.
全世界除了有2700多种语言之外还有7000种方言。方言是指某个地区特有的,在发音、词汇或含义上区别于其他语言的一种语言形式。 一国政府进行贸易活动时所使用的语言是这个国家的官方语言。 全世界讲英语的人有10亿,占世界总人口的百分之二十。其中4亿人以英语为母语,另外6亿人讲英语作为第二语言或者外语使用。 在牛津字典中有50万英文词汇,其中百分之八十是外来词汇。 (以上由melodyhan翻译整理,欢迎与本人研究讨论,共同进步。)