

大家如果形容一个东西漂亮会用什么词呢?nice?excellent?这里文章里提供了其他几个形容东西不错的词哦~比如“ornate”,”exquisite“ 等等~大家可以学习学下哦~


Roman Corinthian pillar 罗马科林柱子

Marked by horizontal lines, the exterior walls are made up of huge stone blocks. Richly decorated Roman Corinthian pillars stand between the 2nd and the 4th floor in the front. The ground hall included an ornate octagonal dome, connecting the arched doorway with a veranda and a lounge. The caisson ceiling was elaborately decorated with exquisitely enchased mosaic frescos.
以顶楼的圆穹顶为纵轴线,加以第二层至第四层的装饰华丽的罗马科林柱子,形成两边对称的前立面的竖线条,外墙的巨大花岗石砌块则形成了前立面的横线条。 底层大厅内有一个大堂和一个华丽的八角穹顶,其拱形天花板上镶嵌着制作精美绝伦、世上罕见的壁画。