

Mr. Rawlings, have a seat.
Your laptop.
Yeah, it's Morgan.
Ok, hold on, Garcia. Hold on.
It's, uh, research. I'm writing a book.
Sit down.
I swear to you this is all just research.
It's not research. 1_________________.
I'd like to make a deal.
No deals.
All you have is a very, very small amount of good will.
Tell me about Peter.
I was contacted by the man who was holding him. 2________________. I didn't go looking for this.
Give me a name.
Well,I only know the screen name. It's man child.
Did you bid on Peter?
How much?
$8,000. But it was only in order to save him.
You the high bidder?
I--I think so,yes.
I was,anyway. I was supposed to go back online and contact him on his web site and get the address.
Look, 4__________________,and I am trying to save him.
Trying to save him.
5________________. What is it?
Come on. I have a family. I have children of my own. I love children. I would never harm them.
In your pursuit to save them, you think you could have avoided having sex with them?
Mr. Rawlings.
The code.
That's 100 years in a federal penitentiary I didn't search out this boy So you can inspect the merchandise this child is being auctioned off He'd have given you a code