
Hints:Sydney, Victoria, Columbia

翻译By melodyhan

The University of Sydney was the first to be established in Australia and, after almost 150 years of proud achievement, still leads in innovation and quality. The University excels in sport and social activities, debating, drama, music and much more. Known for excellence in teaching, research, and service to the community, the University of Victoria serves approximately 17,000 students. It is favored by its location on Canada's spectacular west coast, in the capital of British Columbia.
悉尼大学是澳大利亚建立的第一所大学,学校不仅拥有150年来引以为傲的学术成就,也是创新和课程品质上的佼佼者。悉尼大学在体育、社会活动、辩论、戏剧、音乐等领域都居于领先地位。 以教学、研究、社区服务知名的维多利亚大学现有学生约17000人,学校位于加拿大西海岸的哥伦比亚省会维多利亚市,此处风景美不胜收,为学校创造了得天独厚的地理环境。 (以上为melodyhan翻译整理,欢迎与本人讨论,共同学习进步。)