1. where
2. fades
3. While
4. detrimental
5. well-being
6. turns
7. workouts
8. functions
9. process
10. excel
11. However
12. according to
13. further
14. sharpness
15. allows
16. track
17. on
18. constantly
19. build
20. effective
Text 1
21. B encourage jobseekers’ active engagement in job seeking
22. C to register for an allowance from the government
23. D A passion to ensure fairness for taxpayers
24. A uneasy
25. A The British welfare system indulges jobseeker’s laziness
Text 2
26. D the attraction of financial rewards
27. C Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in another major
28. B the rigid bodies governing the profession
29. A bans outsider’s involvement in the profession
30. C a problem in America’s legal profession and solutions to it
Text 3
31. A a symbol of the entrepreneurs’ wealth.
32. B the founders of the new awards.
33. D the demonstration of research foundings
34. A their endurance has done justice to them
35. A acceptable despite the criticism
Text 4
36 A critical
37 C keep a leading position in liberal education
38 A an exclusive study of American history
39 D biased against classical liberal ideas.
40 B illiberal education and "the Heart of the Matter".
41. C How do archaeologists…
42. F Most archaeological sites,…
43. G Ground surveys allow…
44. D Surveys can cover…
45. B In another case,…
46. 这也是为什么当我们试图用语言描述音乐时,我们只能表达对音乐的感受,而无法领悟音乐的精髓。
47. 人们一致认为,贝多芬思想自由而勇敢无畏,在我看来,要理解其作品必须要抓住勇气这一本质,在演奏其作品时更是如此。
48. 贝多芬习惯用紧促有力的演奏提高音量,然后曲风一转,紧接一段轻柔舒缓的音乐,而在他之前很少有作曲家这么做。
49. 贝多芬的自由观意义尤为深远。在他看来,自由与个人的权利、责任息息相关,他提倡思想自由与个人言论自由。
50. 你可以这样阐释贝多芬的大多数作品:磨难是在所难免的,但是与磨难抗争的勇气则是生命的意义之所在。
As depicted in the first half of the cartoon, a loving mother held the hand of a little girl thirty years ago. While in the second half, the little girl, who has become an adult, holds her aged mother tightly three decades later. The combination of the two does indicate the connotation of the word "company".
It cannot be denied that parents contribute their countless vigor and energy in the cultivation of their children. Every progress of children is immersed with their parents’ dedication and efforts. As time passes, children become robust grown-ups, while parents get weak and feeble. And this is the very moment for them to change their positions, namely, the former should put their heart and soul to care for the latter. This care not only belongs to the fulfillment of responsibilities, but also functions as the most precious rewards for the latter.
As far as I am concerned, once parents and children can identify their responsibilities in different phases of life and keep in good company with each other, a more harmonious society will be just around the corner.
Honorable president,
I’m writing this letter to express my views concerning about how to improve the health status among our university students. My suggestions are as follows.
Firstly, we should pay more attention to the physical conditions of the undergraduates rather than their academic performances. Secondly, adequate PE lessons should be guaranteed in their course systems. Finally, we hope that our university should regularly organize various extracurricular activities. Through the implementation of the above methods, I am convinced that the health conditions of our college students could be enhanced considerably.
I am looking forward to your reply and I will appreciate your consideration for my proposals.
Yours sincerely,
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